Tuesday, October 12, 2010

your dad stepped out, he's .09 and on the highway

So. I'm srsly so terrible at this blogging thing. But just so you know, someday, I'll be as famous as Tavi or whatevs her name is. See, that's how much I don't care. I'm so hilarious, right?

Anyway, I totally love.. a lot of people.

Spent this afternoon at my brother's apartment, but he had to go to work, so I just chilled with Katie... who is his wife. I love her.
But yes. Mabel Mae is adorable. I call her Belli. Cause it's so cuuuuuute! Belli Maaaaae! I don't think she likes me, though. She can probably smell my fear or something. But oh well.

I also love my sister, Jenn, and my brother in law Lance.
We played this game called "Things" on Sunday with Sierra and Mitch. You basically have this card that has something on it like "Things you shouldn't do in the water." or "Things that prove your house is haunted." and everyone writes something down a piece of paper. Sierra drew "Things that prove you've been abducted by aliens."
Jenn and Lance both put "you have an anal probe."
Is that not the most hilarious thing you've ever heard? South Park, for the win!
That and Sierra and Mitch both put something about the owl from Fourth Kind. "It's not really an owl!" I put that you have a recording of yourself being dragged off. Fourth Kind, for the win as well!

Speaking of Fourth Kind, aliens srsly freak me out so much. Like... I've seen plenty of scary movies, but the only ones that actually make me super paranoid are the aliens ones. I have never been the same since I saw Signs. Yes, SIGNS. That part at the mexican birthday party.. uhg.. and when the Fourth Kind out I went and saw it in theaters, and I didn't sleep that night until I put on Nacho Libre. And I had to have the lights on.
Plus I've been playing Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta recently, and that's about getting abducted by aliens. I'm just a big ball of anxiety! They operate on you! It's freaky!

Anyway. Time for bed now! I hope you enjoyed my mind-garbage!